Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Only Six?

Steph tagged me, I'm It. Topic: "Six Weird Things About You"

1. I think Steve Buscemi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Buscemi)is really very sexy. My husband finds this more than a little disturbing.

2. I have a fear of largeness. Things that are really oversized, like giant redwoods, really bother me. I feel queasy just thinking about them. I am also bothered by large quantities. When I hear that a water treatment plant processes some mind-bogglingly huge amount of water every day, it disturbs me. Sometimes I will be driving on the highway and will notice how very many cars there are. Then I will start thinking about how much gas all those cars are burning, and how many people are driving all those cars, and all the houses those people live in and all the air conditioners in those houses and all the electricity to run the air conditioners and all the oil to generate the electricity and then I have to make myself stop thinking for awhile. I know this borders on mental illness, but as it hasn't yet started to interfere with my daily functioning, I choose to consider it a quirk.

3. I never vote. Not because I forget to go, or it's too much trouble, or I can't decide for whom to vote. Without getting into a big political rant, the reason I don't vote can be summed up in the bumper sticker "Don't Vote. It Only Encourages Them."

4. I do not know my right from my left. I can figure it out with the little trick of holding up both hands with index fingers and thumbs out. The hand that looks like an "L" is the left hand. But I still have to do that every time.

5. I like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.

6. I cannot chew gum without swallowing it. I used to be able to do this, but sometime around the end of high school I lost the ability. My theory is that alcohol destroyed the very brain cells that are vital to not swallowing gum.

So, there it is. My weirdness laid bare for the world to ponder.


Blogger geminig3 said...

Very scary..no I mean interesting..ROFL..you know, I only chew a half piece of gum at a time..never whole.

12:01 PM  

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