Monday, June 26, 2006

Happiness is hard, damnit!

I have realized that practicing mindfulness is an awful lot like physical exercise. When you do it you feel great. You realize that it isn't really difficult and you are glad you put out the effort. But it is hard to keep doing, easy to get out of the habit.

I don't fully understand why this is so. Regular exercise makes one feel so much better, but most folks (including me) need to force themselves to do it. Being attentive to your own life from moment to moment makes that life better. One would think that the contentment it generates would motivate me to do it more. I suppose it does, but at the same time, it is so easy to not do it at all.

I tend to live all up in my head, and anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 years in the future. It is a habit I've cultivated for decades. It takes real effort to stop the planning, worrying, imagining, and general buzzing of my brain and just pay attention to what is happening right now, right in front of my eyes.

But when I do, life is so much more interesting. The kids are more amazing, and I respond to them more effectively. My husband is more charming, and we get along better. Each bite of food tastes better. Each stretch of the arms feels better. The chores become easier. I sleep better. I am a happier person.

I guess nothing comes easy, most especially happiness.


Blogger James Behrens, OCSO said...

How true - even as a monk, I too find it hard to focus on the present. I think happiness comes, like all good things, as a gift. All the best to you - James

7:35 AM  
Blogger geminig3 said...

I'm a big worrier, too. I have to make a real conscious effort to STOP and jsut enjoy what's here now. Sometimes it feels false to me to do that, but it's getting easier with each passing day.

9:46 AM  

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