Friday, June 16, 2006

Recycled Art

Lately I am very interested in recycled art. I love the notion of using trash to make something beautiful, interesting, useful or just fun. This does not come from any noble desire to free up landfill space. Mostly it comes from being a cheapskate. I want to have hobbies, but I hate to spend money on them. Also, it is easier to take risks and try new ways of doing things when you are working with basically free materials. So what if you waste a jelly jar trying to create a glass windchime? Just eat more jelly and try another approach. Plus, just thinking about how to create something from the stuff that is all around you is great training in creative thinking. You start to see all these new possibilities for old items. And creating something of value (if only to you) from something deemed worthless is simply satisfying.

Now, I have to admit that I yet to do much with this interest. I have helped the kids with a few recycled art projects, and plan to continue to do so. And I do have a few specific project ideas just for me percolating around in my brain. I am hoping that writing this will help me actually move forward with those ideas. We shall see.


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