Tuesday, June 06, 2006

They Grow Up Too Fast

Katie has her first loose tooth. Matt discovered it was loose when he was helping her brush (yes, we are a bit dentally uptight). When she showed me, I almost cried. I was expecting her to start losing her baby teeth in the next two years, not the next two days!

Come to think of it, she has done a lot of growing up this week. On Sunday she graduated from a five-point harness car seat to a booster seat. I look in my rearview mirror and I don't see my baby back there anymore. I have to keep looking back just to get used to seeing her looking so much like a big kid.

She started swim classes on Monday. It is so cool to watch her trying so hard and yet still having so much fun. She just about glows with excitement. She even went under the water for a moment today and only cried a little.

Just today she has started reading anything and everything. For awhile she has been able to read many many words. She just hasn't been interested in doing so. Today as we were driving along she was shouting out the street signs to me. She read "Hydraulic"! This afternoon she declined to be read to in favor of reading to herself.

And now is losing her first tooth.

But at bedtime she still requested her ragdoll to sleep with. She still wanted me to "say the good-night things". And she told me she loves me "all the way around the world". So maybe it's true when I tell her that she will always be my baby, even when she has babies of her own.


Blogger geminig3 said...

Aww.. It's hard isn't it. At least you still have Tom. My last baby stopped wearing Pull Ups to bed this week. It's very sad for me. I love the bedtime comment, too. Ezra always tells me " I love you more than chocolate". That's good to know ;-)

9:45 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Yes, I still have Tom, but he is so eager to be as big as his sister, that my days of his babyhood are probably even shorter than of Katie's. Loves you more than chocolate? Wow. That's impressive. Of course I would be most impressed if my kids love me more than macaroni and cheese!

5:11 AM  

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