Sunday, June 04, 2006

Mud Party

Yesterday we had a "Hooray for Mud" party.

As usual, I started out jazzed about the idea and the kids and I started planning. I love planning things, more so sometimes than actually doing them. In the planning stages things can still be any way you want them to be.

Then we sent out email and snail mail invites and I immediately felt that the party was a bad idea. I mean, you don't hear of too many mud parties. There's probably a reaon. If kids want to play in the mud, surely they can just do that at home. No need to come to my house to do it.

Then I got a little flurry of responses and started to worry that too many people wuld show up and our infrastructure wouldn't be sufficient (not enough chairs, not enough mud, etc.). We always invite more people than I am really comfortable with. The kids always want to invite everyone they know, even though they do better with small groups. I never know if I should let them make the guest list decisions, or if I should step in and keep things small for their own sakes. Of course, we know lots of kids from our homeschool group, and I hate to leave anyone out. So, we always invite everyone and assume (hope) some will not come.

After the initial flurry died down, there were a few days with no responses. For awhile it looked like we would have a 2-year old, a 3-year old, a 4-year old, a 5-year old and 10-year old. I thought I should probably email the older girl's mom and let her know that her daughter might not want to come after all. Once I became resigned to hosting a very small party I sent out a reminder and then got a flurry of last minute RSVPs. My guest list quadrupled overnight! Back to worrying about too many guests!

Then the day of the party arrived and I stopped worrying about things because I suddenly realized that I had a lot of shit to do and not much time to do it! Perhaps it would be more efficient to spend less time worrying and more time actually preparing. Interesting idea.

So we had the party. Not everyone showed up, but it was a nice sized crowd. There were not enough chairs really, but it didn't seem to matter. There was plenty of mud. Plenty of food. No one ran out into the back half of the yard and got covered in sand burs (I posted "Beware" signs). Katie played with the girl from across the street, which was nice because they have been flirting with becoming friends for years now. Overall I would judge the party a success. Now that it is over I have to wonder what all the worrying was about.


Blogger geminig3 said...

I'm glad it turned out ok, I wish we cou;d've been there.
See ya

12:24 PM  

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